Livestock Manure Treatment Technology in China

The total amount of livestock and poultry manure produced in China each year is nearly 4 billion tons, but the comprehensive utilization rate is very low. If the livestock and poultry manure is not effectively treated, it will not only pollute the environment and affect people's quality of life, but also restrict the sustainable development of the livestock industry. We must attach great importance to the problem of livestock and poultry manure, and take effective measures to realize the treatment and resource utilization of livestock and poultry farming manure. As a well-known environmental engineering solutions provider, high-concentration organic wastewater solution expert, and complete-set environmental engineering equipment supplier, Shijiazhuang Zhengzhong Technology Co., Ltd. has been deeply involved in the field of livestock wastewater treatment for many years and has realized the efficient and low-cost harmless treatment and resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure, effectively solve the problem of environmental pollution and resource reuse in the livestock industry of China.

Livestock Manure Treatment Technology

Shijiazhuang Zhengzhong Technology Co., Ltd. (Zhengzhong Technology) is a comprehensive high-tech enterprise with wastewater engineering, process section undertaking and equipment manufacturing as its main business. The company has the strong technical force and rich engineering experience. It has long been engaged in wastewater engineering general contracting business in the breeding industry, urban sewage, biogas project, industrial wastewater, and other fields, providing customers with comprehensive services such as engineering design, equipment manufacturing, and engineering construction. Among them, in the livestock and poultry manure treatment section, Zhengzhong Technology has developed a set of livestock and poultry manure sewage treatment equipment suitable for the livestock and poultry manure treatment sector by relying on its strong R&D capabilities, mature operation mode and rich technical accumulation, combined with the actual needs of the market and livestock enterprises. Comprehensive solution for processing.

The solution uses biochemical treatment technology as the core process to ensure that COD, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus and other indicators are stable and meet the standards, so that the livestock wastewater can meet the discharge standards; the livestock and poultry manure is treated in a harmless and resource-based manner to fully solve the breeding of breeding enterprises. Poultry manure problems. Compared with other treatment technologies, this solution has the advantages of small impact on the surrounding environment, low investment and operating costs, and short construction period. It can effectively improve and strengthen the wastewater treatment efficiency and form good economic, ecological and social benefits.

In terms of economic benefits. Through the use of biogas projects and organic fertilizer projects as links, the waste of livestock and poultry manures can be turned into treasures, resource utilization can be realized, and the economic benefits of breeding enterprises can be improved.

In terms of ecological benefits. It greatly reduces the hazards of livestock and poultry manure, and solves the outstanding problem of environmental pollution caused by wastewater produced in breeding farms, slaughterhouses, etc., and the living environment of people has been significantly improved.

In terms of social benefits. Improve the awareness of breeding enterprises to protect the ecological environment, promote the comprehensive utilization of livestock and poultry manure resources and the sustainable development of breeding enterprises, and promote the green development of agriculture.

At present, Zhengzhong Technology has launched the construction of the overall manure treatment project for the breeding industry in Beijing, Guangdong, Tianjin, Shaanxi and other provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and has implemented hundreds of thousands of tons of livestock and poultry manure treatment and utilization, and has won the approval and trust. In the future, they will further optimize the technology and service system, and contribute their own strength to better promote the green development of agriculture.