Dairy Industry Wastewater Treatment

With the improvement of living standards, dairy products have become one of the most common nutritious foods in daily life. The types of dairy products have expanded from traditional milk and milk powder to cheese and yogurt. In the process of manufacturing dairy products, a large amount of wastewater such as clean sewage and process water will be generated.

Dairy Industry Wastewater Treatment

Dairy wastewater contains a large amount of soluble organic matter, including sugars, starches, proteins, fatty acids, etc., and has good biodegradability. It belongs to medium-to-high-concentration wastewater. If it is discharged improperly, it will cause great harm to the water environment and aquatic organisms. Therefore, how to effectively treat wastewater from dairy products has become a major concern for many dairy companies.

Shijiazhuang Zhengzhong Technology Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive high-tech enterprise focusing on wastewater engineering contracting, process section undertaking, and equipment manufacturing. After more than 30 years of development and innovation, it has achieved outstanding results in the field of water environment governance. We provide customized sewage treatment projects for the characteristics of sewage in different fields and customer needs.

Among them, in the field of dairy industry wastewater treatment, Zhengzhong Technology provides customers with targeted treatment programs based on the characteristics of dairy wastewater to make the wastewater meet the discharge standards. At the same time, it innovates on traditional treatment technologies to reduce project operating costs and achieve economic benefits. Maximize, to better solve wastewater treatment problems for dairy enterprises.

At present, Zhengzhong Technology has successfully helped many well-known dairy companies at home and abroad to build sewage treatment projects, and has been highly recognized by customers in terms of engineering technical standards, engineering equipment operation, process stability, operating efficiency, and effluent compliance.